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Song Parodies -> "Feel That Swirl"

Original Song Title:

"Steal My Girl"

Original Performer:

One Direction

Parody Song Title:

"Feel That Swirl"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Part of my Pop Danthology 2014 self-challenge. Swirlie time!
Dealt with bullies since I was thirteen
They were complete dicks, whacked me in the knees, that's ri-ight
That's right
Now I'm grown up bigger than them, bud
They'll find out their "fun" was more close to "su-uck", that's ri-ight
That's right
They'll know, they'll know, they'll know for sure

Ev'ry bully's gonna feel tha-at swi-i-irl
Dunk 'em down inside the bowl a-and flush away
Thinkin' of the times that they we-ere je-e-erks
All convinced that they were highe-er men than me
Ev'ry bully's gonna feel tha-at swi-i-irl
Grab those douchebags by the ankl-les, hoist away
I don't really care if my gri-ip hu-u-urts
Cause it's only fair they fee-eel the sa-ame as me
Na-na-na-na-na-na (oh, yeah-eah)
Na-na-na-na-na-na (alri-ight)
Na-na, fee-eel the sa-ame as me

They picked on me because I'm a geek
But now I'm a hulk without turnin' gree-een, that's ri-ight
That's right
So let's see you maintain your hair, jerk
When all that gel finds home in the sewe-er, that's ri-ight
That's right
Watch i-it go, it go, it go, it hurts

Ev'ry bully's gonna feel tha-at swi-i-irl
Get that water up their nose, a-a lot more pain
Than it sounds, I know that that shi-it hu-u-urts
More than happy to inflict tha-at on them, see
Ev'ry bully's gonna feel tha-at swi-i-irl
Ev'ry insult that they threw ju-ust grew more hate
Hard to feel remorse for such hu-uge je-e-erks
So I'm gettin' my reve-enge, it wi-ill be sweet
Na-na-na-na-na-na (oh, yeah-eah)
Na-na-na-na-na-na (alri-ight)

I know, I know
That revenge is a most worthless cause
Oh, I know, I know
But I broke into their houses, so I feel I've come this far no-ow

Ev'ry bully's gonna feel tha-at swi-i-irl
Gotta lot of stops to make a-at least toda-ay
Almost half my school was made o-of je-e-erks
Of course, they've gone and spread acro-oss the-e whole country-y-y-y-y-y-y-y
Ev'ry bully's gonna feel tha-at swi-i-irl
Not enough to drown, I'm not tha-at bad, okay?
And I won't do it while there's sti-ill tu-u-urds
Like they did, because I ha-ave some sta-andards, geez (oh-oh-oh, yeah-eah-eah-eah-eah-eah)
Na-na-na-na-na-na (oh, yeah-eah) (alri-i-i-i-ight, yeah-eah-eah)
Na-na-na-na-na-na (alri-ight)
Na-na, I-I've got sta-andards, geez
Na-na-na-na-na-na (oh, yeah-eah) (got some standards, gee-ee-ee-ee-eez, yeah-eah-eah-eah)
Na-na-na-na-na-na (alri-ight)
Sta-andards fo-or swirlies

Unless someone was really good at keeping secrets, I don't think swirlies were a thing at my school. Then again, we lacked the stereotypical school dynamic, with jocks and cheerleaders and nerds and such. Dunno if that's an Australian thing or a Christian school thing, point is, swirlies are a gross concept.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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