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Song Parodies -> "Gaudy Work"

Original Song Title:

"Body Work"

Original Performer:

Morgan Page ft. Tegan and Sara

Parody Song Title:

"Gaudy Work"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

A man has some issues with his interior designer friend's, well, interior designing...
Now this is a terrible sight
The worst one around
At first, I thought it was a joke
But that fell right down, fell right down, fell right down
Stripe pattern on the steps with zero aligned?
Who did this? I'm appalled
Alternatin' chartreuse and lavender? Yikes
I might throw up a tad

Cause this is gaudy work
I feel repulsed at the very sight
Of all this gaudy work
Needs to be culled, won't give it a like
It's too bright, hurts my eyes
I'm usin' "gaudy" cause it's more polite
As a type of word, right
Than my impulse to swear to the sky

Even if I was blind
I'd say "Tear this down!"
Guess this fact slipped you by:
Colours can be loud, really loud, very loud
And you've used all of them in ways that aren't right
They plain don't match at all (awful sight)
Can concede there's a use for makin' things bright
Just not like this, you prat (need new eyes)

Cause this is gaudy work
Got this impulse to repaint in white
I hate your gaudy work
Say you're insulted? So are my eyes
They just might melt outright
Paintjob's so gaudy, my brain's takin' flight
Green so bright, all I spy
From now on's Hulk, he's burnt in my sight

It's like a paint storm
I'm sayin' that it blows
Then there's your white lie:
This crap is worth ten grand?
Who would pay huge for this madness, am I right?
No sense to it at all (sure it's lies)
Folks like it? Nope, not true, too made up to buy
Just ain't plausible, man (complete lies)

Cause this is gaudy work
Took all the drugs to make this design
It's always gaudy work
Drownin' in bucks, folks think it's sublime
If they like it, it's fine
I think it's gaudy, said it many times
Though I try to be nice
Still get compulsions to scream "IT'S SHITE!"
Cause this is gaudy work
Maintain it sucks, customer ain't right
Afraid it's gaudy work
Your taste plain sucks, can't keep that inside
"If they like it, it's fine"
Hell no, it's gaudy, screw that stupid line
Take it right back, it's lies
And why? Because this damn house is mine

By the time I finished writing this, the word "gawdy" was beginning to lose all meaning...and then I learned it's generally spelled "gaudy". The more you know, I guess...

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 3

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 1   0
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 5   3

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