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Song Parodies -> "This Nerve"

Original Song Title:

"This Girl"

Original Performer:

Kungs vs. Cookin' on 3 Burners

Parody Song Title:

"This Nerve"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Which nerve? This nerve. The ulnar nerve. That one in your elbow that doesn't like being touched.
Not a pain that results in blood
Won't have to lay in a bed for months
But if it happens to you, I'd bet
You'll be put out a bunch
No problem worth an ambulance, true
No problem, it's no problem
There's no cut to heal, there's no pus for "Ew!"
Just a weird shock when you hit this nerve

Don't hit it, near my ulna
Don't hit it, too near-near my ulna
Don't hit it, too near my ulna
Don't hit it, near my ulna

Your "funny bone", real misnomer, see
It's not the bone, it's the nerve beneath
Give that a whack and you will find
It's really not that fun
Feels like a twitch multiplied a grand
That spreads over, whole arm's over
Doesn't last long and that's a fact
But it won't escape my notice

I don't really like when it's struck
Only glanced but it's still not fun
I don't really like when it's struck
Kick your ass to a bloody lump
It's a pain in the ass, 'fraid so

Don't hit it, near my ulna
Don't hit it, too near-near my ulna
Don't hit it, too near my ulna
Don't hit it, near my ulna

Fun fact of the day: "Kungs" is Latvian for "mister". "Kung", on the other hand, is onomatopoeia for being smacked in the face with a frying pan, pretty sure.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
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 5   1

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