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Song Parodies -> "Fries"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Katy Perry

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Fast food doesn't always go to plan, as anyone who's ever...well, existed since its inception well knows.
My order's not right, which part's not hard to spy
Just look and you'll see what you've messed up in due time
This piece-of-crap store may not have ballsed up the main course
Not been tainted with cheese, oh-oh-oh-oh, not what you have to remake
Confound it, confound it, nothin' wrong with the milkshake
It's bogus, it's bogus, what I want to drink's not on sale
Don't like it, don't like it, not my gripe's core

This is the part that you have cooked like shit
Can't believe that you're not noticin', it's hideous
Spell it outright: messed up my fries
Just a small mistake, an accident?
I'll believe that 'cause I'm not a twit, only pissed
But you'll still find you've botched my fries

Must make tons of them, second nature by now but
Half of these are so tasteless, it pains me to put them in my face
I'm shoutin', I'm shoutin' because these are a disgrace
Not jokin', not jokin', the rest should be in an ash tray
I've tried 'em, I've tried 'em, puked on the floor

God, this is a culinary incident
That'd make Chef Ramsay throw a fit 'cause this is shit
The burger's nice but not these fries
I deserve replacements, don't be thick
And say that I've jumped the gun a bit, look at this
It's clear they're shite, get me new fries

You're doubtin', you're doubtin'? Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh-oh-oh
They're bogus, they're bogus, shit fries
Just try 'em, just try 'em
You'll bug your eyes with these crap fries

The weirdest part of all this was me calling them fries. Because while Americans have fries and chips, and the UK has chips and crisps, here in Australia we have chips and chips. I do occasionally call the chips from McDonald's "fries", but it feels weird to do so. Like calling the biscuits from Subway "cookies".

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.7
How Funny: 3.7
Overall Rating: 3.7

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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