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Song Parodies -> "Weird"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Disney Songs

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Well, I haven't always been this cool.
I was a sad little creature once.
Now I know I am happy as I am.
Because I'm weirdly adorable, baby.

Did they tell you that i'm 'not be trusted'.
"He's a freak on the outside and inside"?
I have four words to tear their argument apart.
It's all a lie.

I'm proud to be weird.
Like a monster from a classic horror flick.
Spooky and haunting as a broken wreck.
Like a vampire biting a lovely ladies's neck.
Hang on don't you know.

That they are dumb, dumb dumb.
They hate anything that's different, they're weird.
Oh, and here there come, come, come.
To put some more fuel to my fire.
Heh heh bizarre.
Watch me laugh at them.
Oh boy are they foolish.

Well, well, well
Looks like someone's having trouble with their lines.
Obviously you saw me and now you're out of time.
Ouch! What a failure of a performance.
You need to clean up your act, get it.
You deserve a Golden Razzie, man.

Yes thank you for giving me a head-start.
And letting me come right on inside.
For me, pure weirdness comes with pride.
It's a secret I can't hide.

I'm so weird.
I don't have to be anyone but myself.
Show you my tricks, my tricks are so weird.
Send your insults but they won't have any effect.
You can't break me down, my dear friend.

You can try, try, and try.
But it's no use for you, i'm too alien.
And also very Aykroydian (look him up).
On the floor you'll lie, lie, lie, lie.
Now it's time for me to pwn you.
And your futile attempts.

You're far from your own world, you're in my world.
A world that will accept you for strangeness.
And I'll help you to feel wanted.
You try to play rough.
But your best still isn't good enough.

Now you, never have to ever fear.
Ever met someone so

It's not the oddest thing you've seen.
But i'm close and i'm me, i'm so weird.
Say goodbye to what you knew before.
Say hi to my monsters for me.

You'll learn to embrace all that's weird.
You wish you knew someone who was fun and weird.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
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 5   1

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