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Song Parodies -> "Set Fire to my Bill"

Original Song Title:

"Set Fire to the Rain"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Set Fire to my Bill"

Parody Written by:

Rebekah Dub

The Lyrics

As much as you may want to, do NOT try this at home.
Got me a credit card
And I drove out, took myself shopping
By the time that I was finished
My shopping bags were moonlighting as weights

Took off the tags
Not once did I consider
What would show up on
My first credit card statement

There was fine print on there that I never read, never read
The APR rate, it sounds really exorbitant
Twenty-five percent, that is such a bitch, such a bitch

So I set fire to my bill
Watched it burn as my phone blew up
With calls from debt collectors from around the world
Asking me why I don’t pay

I took out a loan
Hoping I could pay it off
Little did I know that
Interest was high, so my credit score went down

There was fine print on there that I never read, never read
The APR rate, it sounds really exorbitant
Twenty-five percent, that is such a bitch, such a bitch

So I set fire to my bill
Watched it burn as my phone blew up
With calls from debt collectors from around the world
Threa-ten-ing me with lawsuits

I set fire to my bill
Didn’t care that it was past due
Reading it was enough to make me cry
I contemplated bankruptcy

Sometimes I wake up by the phone
I’ve used it as a pillow enough times
I am up to my eyeballs in debt now
Not even DebtWatchers* can help me now

I set fire to my bill
Watched it burn as my phone blew up
With calls from debt collectors from around the world
I got fired from my job

I set fire to my bill
Didn’t care that it was past due
Reading it was enough to make me cry
And to declare bankruptcy, oh

Oh crap
Bankruptcy, oh
I am burnt
It’s my fault
* - a Primerica service that allows the client to track their debt so they can pay it off more quickly and access any changes made to their credit score.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.7
How Funny: 2.3
Overall Rating: 2.0

Total Votes: 6

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   1
 3   1
 4   1
 5   1

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