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Song Parodies -> "Hosed"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

The Red Hot Chili Peppers

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

The weather may be getting hotter (in my country, anyway), but that doesn't mean you can just spray people down with water all willy-nilly...
I got hosed by you, man
Dosed by a flow from you, man
But I don't know the truth
Why the big spray? Because it's not that hot today
Why the big spray? I asked you twice, you pressed replay

It's true, I'm parched, but all that
I asked for was a small glass
You're going overboard
Way more, way more, way more, way more
Way more, way more, way more, way more

Not that hard to pour a glass, add ice
Just a little thirsty, I ask: why?
If I wanted to be wet, I'd dive
Your choice was just dumb, so I ask: why?

Was just a joke? That's horsecrap
Yelled "STOP!" and you ignored that
Got knocked back with the force
And still you stayed until the whole wall was drenched too
You had to stay, blast fluids like both kinds of douche
Lay off, lay off, lay off, lay off
Lay off, lay off, lay off, lay off

Never thought I'd drown on land, but I
Guess this is a thing, must still ask: why?
Went from Step One to Step Thirty-Five
I don't understand, so I ask: why?

I got hosed by you, man
Flow's still on "go", it's true, man
What am I s'pposed to do?
Can't move your way because of the force of the spray
Can't move away since you'll just point the hose that way

Waiting for the end of your supply
Maybe then you'll answer, I've asked: why?
When your hose is flaccid, limp and dry
You won't run away, please tell me: why?

USoP challenge to start either tomorrow or Wednesday (depending on a coupla things)!

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