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Song Parodies -> "Can't Disrupt The Status Quo"

Original Song Title:

"Hate to Say I Told You So"

Original Performer:

The Hives

Parody Song Title:

"Can't Disrupt The Status Quo"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Imagine if you will: an executive demands a popular show well-loved for it's strong story arcs and dynamic characters dumb down for no reason or else it'll be cancelled. I'm sure that's happened before. Probably way too often for some people. Anyway, this is that dumbass executive's song. Enjoy!
You've got control of a real popular show
And people love it
But they want somethin' fresh and nuanced
But that's just nonsense
Don't be deceived, the formula works, see
So don't you stop it
The same three or so scripts, pump them out with no end
Don't try to top 'em

Can't disrupt the status quo-uo, that's right
Don't sto-op
Just repeat old plots like so-o
Or you'll get fi-ired, it's true-ue
Don't want that, do you-ou?

Don't progress with the plot, story arcs need to stop
Cause I don't want 'em
And you don't have a say
So start the stoppin'
Should sign the rights away
So I stop talkin'

Must preserve the status quo-uo, that's right
Just sto-op
I know the ratings aren't lo-ow

Listen to me, I'll demand what I please
And you can't stop it
Cause the ratings will drop any day now, you'll flop
And you'll be homeless

Even though you have the rights, and networks you could sell
Them to, not happ'nin'
And I'm right, you know I'm right, you cannot shut me out
I'm not just yappin'
Oh, yeah

I like to think that the executive would actually sing this song in a misguided attempt to be seen as "hip" and "with-it" despite the fact that the song is, like, 15 years old at this point. Because that's how much executive-types know their audience. That is, they don't. At all.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.4
How Funny: 4.4
Overall Rating: 4.4

Total Votes: 9

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   2
 4   1
 5   6

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