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Song Parodies -> "Fat Homer"

Original Song Title:

"Fat Lip"

Original Performer:

Sum 41

Parody Song Title:

"Fat Homer"

Parody Written by:

Peter Nolan

The Lyrics

This is themed to "The Simpsons" TV show. Hope you like it.
Storming through the kitchen cause his name is Homer Simpson
He likes hangin out drinking in the back of Moe's Tavern
Krusty's kid, violins, but no one knew her name.
Ralph threw a big party but no body came.

Bart know's he's not gonna make it all the way into high school.
Homer always choked him whenever he had to.
Lisa makes the grades, homework's what she craves.
Marge went to a ski lodge and broke her leg.

Homer likes to pass the time, by sitting with a beer and watching the good TV.
Marge never falls in line, her favourite days are always spring cleaning.
And next year.

Homer never, works at his office, its donuts all day long
But what would you expect with a I.Q so small.
He got a crayon shoved up right into his brain
It was powder blue or even light beige.

Cause Millhouse's parents got mad and divorced and
they never even thought about seeing them again,
Homer never learns, he has to wait his turn
Maggie found a gun and shot Mr. Burns.

Homer likes to pass the time, by sitting with a beer and watching the good TV.
Marge never falls in line, her favourite days are always spring cleaning.
And next year.

The couch gag's old, you always know when
The couch gag's old, they'll do it again
The couch gag's old, it's driving me crazy
The couch gag's old, I'm going all hazy

Well, Mr. Burns cant remember Homer's name
But he's evil and he doesn't give a darn about nothin
Smithers is loyal and he always has to serve him
But Springfield hates him so much they want him to be cuffed,
He's rich and he got his face printed on the telephone book.
He got a vacation, his life has long duration.
He blocked out the sun which enraged the whole nation.

Homer likes to pass the time, by sitting with a beer and watching the good TV.
Marge never falls in line, her favourite days are always spring cleaning.
And next year.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.3
How Funny: 3.7
Overall Rating: 3.6

Total Votes: 18

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   4
 2   2
 3   2
 4   4
 5   6

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