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Song Parodies -> "Venom and Brock"

Original Song Title:

"Ready to Fall"

Original Performer:

Rise Against

Parody Song Title:

"Venom and Brock"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

"I'm a reporter. Means I follow people who do not wanna be followed. I look into things the government may not even know about. But this latest time, I found something... really bad. Something I can't explain. Something... alien. The reason I'm worried? Because right now it's up my ass."
Eddie Brock found that when you tell lies now
You can lose ev'rything
His Sin-Eater piece was some pure, Grade-A bullplop
It wasn't Emil Gregg
And so then he lost his job and then he got divorced
His dad won't talk to him
Tell you, if I had got that screwed, I'd also be pissed off
Went to church to pray

Above Eddie
His "enemy" Spider-Man stripped
His new suit off and it dripped

And now you know how the monster Venom was born
Who's really in control now? Well, that tends to swap
Either way, they're a problem, Venom and Brock

This wasn't the start of the symbiote problem
Let's rewind to reveal
That ol' Peter Parker got some brand new black duds
That made him act the heel
Which would already be real odd but it crossed into real wrong
When the suit then possessed
Peter's body at dusk to fight crime, kind of sucks
If you just wanted rest

Suit's so clingy
But it gets freaked at decibels
Pete went to town on church bells

And so now we've all been caught up, Venom and Brock
Are vyin' for control now of his suited bod
A hero or a monster? Venom and Brock

There have been times it's gone to others
You know, you know
Mac Gargan, Flash Thompson, Tel-Kar
You know, you know
Multiverse likes to twist it up, true
You know, you know
But the first guy wins hands down

Even if the film was not nuts
Public at large thinks it's all just Venom and Brock
The journalist who's life sucks, Edward Charles Brock
Couldn't fit "Allan" there now, so here's where it's dropped
And the alien goo shorts, Venom the blob

Is it a man and a monster (Venom and Brock)?
Does it waver, man then monster (Venom and Brock)?
Or are they completely monster (Venom and Brock)?
Either way, they're Peter's problem, Venom and Brock

"Yes. So, you will be this armless, legless, faceless, thing won't you? Rolling down the street, like a the wind. Do you feel me?"

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 13

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

User Comments

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LoriLoud33 - August 24, 2021 - Report this comment
My next parody will literally be Ash Ketchum and Brock (Pokemon).

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