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Song Parodies -> "Milking Every Punchline"

Original Song Title:

"Pocketful of Sunshine"

Original Performer:

Natasha Bedingfield

Parody Song Title:

"Milking Every Punchline"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Part of my "Viva La Pop" self-challenge. Repeating the end of a joke over and over and over and over and over and over again is not a good thing to do if you dislike fists in your face. This guy knows that feel...
Oh, ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah

You need to shut up, cause you're milkin' ev'ry punchline
Was funny once, but now all humour has died
Oh, ooh-whoa-oh
"Get it? He's nuts cause he's now a squirrel! Funny!"
Tell that joke once more and you'll be sorry
Oh, ooh-whoa-oh

Please shut your fa-ace (clam up your face)
Because you gra-ate (you really grate)
One time was grea-eat (first time was great)
Not friggin' ei-eight (way more than eight)
Please stop it, ma-ate (just quit it, mate)
"Get it? She's la-ate!" (I got it, mate)
Starting to ha-ate (yes, you I hate)
Your stupid fa-ace (your smug-ass face)

My joy you're killin' cause you're milkin' ev'ry punchline
Repetition killed the joke like a landmine
Oh, ooh-whoa-oh
"Get it? He ducked!" notice I'm no longer laughing
My brows furrowed like Kubrick's directing
Oh, ooh-whoa-oh
Please stop repeatin' ev'ry single friggin' punchline
Makes you look dumb, well, dumber than you were, mind
Oh, ooh-whoa-oh
"Get it? She booked!" yes, you already told me
'Bout seventeen times, and it just bores me
Oh, ooh-whoa-oh

Your jokes get la-ame (get really lame)
When you repla-ay (please don't replay)
Them all agai-ain ('gain and again)
'Gain and agai-ain ('gain and again)
In fact, I'd sa-ay (I might dare say)
They weren't that grea-eat (not quite as great)
To start with, ma-ate (afraid so, mate)
So shut your fa-ace (your stupid face)

Know you like to tell jokes
But you wreck it, bro
By telling the joke
Seven times or mo'
"Get it? Out of time!"
Want to poke out your eyes
Cause my mirth has died
Now I can only sigh

"Get it? A ca-ake!" (I got it, mate)
Please use your brai-ain (your tiny brain)
When you repla-ay (stop, don't replay)
Jokes, they get la-ame (so very lame)
They don't get grea-eat (nope, don't get great)
I'm just ama-azed (just plain amazed)
You've yet to gai-ain (yet to attain)
This knowledge, ma-ate (simple fact, mate)

Done this all da-ay (all freakin' day) (oh)
All week, I'd sa-ay (all month, I'd say) (oh)
And ev'ry da-ay (ev'ry damn day)
It hurts my brai-ain (my precious brain)
"Get it? A ra-ake!" (yes, got it, mate) (oh)
I want to brea-eak (I'd like to break) (oh)
Anything, ma-ate (what's closest, mate)
Mostly your fa-ace (your stupid face)

It's really la-ame (pretty damn lame)
(I want to punch you, cause you're milkin' ev'ry punchline)
Please shut your fa-ace (your stupid face)
(Stop jokin', bud, cause my good feelings have died, oh)
Said this all da-ay (all friggin' day)
But still you sa-ay (why must you say)
"Get it?" Oka-ay (alright, okay)
(No longer funny cause you're milkin' ev'ry punchline)
I'm sad to sa-ay (bit sad to say)
(Your jokes weren't much, now they're worthless as old fries, oh)
Today's the da-ay (yes, it's the day)
You're not my ma-ate (no longer, mate)

It's time I said goodbye
Our friendship has now die-ied
Cause you milked the punchline
Near each and ev'ry time
"Get it? He had to lie!"
And still you do it, why?
I'm off, I'm gone, goodbye
You joke-repeating gu-uy

"Hahahaha, get it, she said she c-hey, where'd you go? C'mon, man, I'm not out of jokes yet! What's your problem?" And then a missile happened. Nah, that's too harsh. A rock happened instead.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

User Comments

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Matthias - May 20, 2014 - Report this comment
What's even worse is when people explain the joke even when you know exactly what they're talking about

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