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Song Parodies -> "20 Things I Hate About America"

Original Song Title:

"7 Things"

Original Performer:

Miley Cyrus

Parody Song Title:

"20 Things I Hate About America"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

I am NOT anti-America. Those people who think that something isn't worth improving are more guilty of hating it than those who actively try to improve it.
You won't like when I say this

But at times I get so scared

When I think about the way this
country's been impaired

You say it's awesome, but we lost it

How do you just sit around unaware

And now our logic's down the drain

But nothings ever gonna change until you comprehend

The 20 things I hate about you

The 20 things I hate about you, oh you

Youre arrogant, youre ignorant

You can't take mild critique

You make a mess and walk on by

You expect the best when you don't try

You're self-involved

You blame all else because it's not your fault

I can't believe that you can get by
And the thing I hate the most with all of your flaws
You're not quite a lost cause

It's awkward and it's silent

As you start to catch my drift

You dispute my patriotism

But you could just say you're miffed

If society's not defective

Why do we need to change directives
And why has America
Changed so much since 1809?

The 20 things I hate about you

Your greed, your sloth, your insolence

Your sense of entitlement

You go put down things you disdain
And you turn around and do the same
You use your friends
Your drugs and booze are your only ends

Your urge to be politically correct

And the thing I hate the most with all of your flaws
You're not quite a lost cause

Through your stubbornness and malice
And your gullibility
Your aversion to unknowns and
changes, if you could see

The 20 things I hate about you
Oh woe is me, life sucks, but see
We can write our own history

Do you want to right the many wrongs
Or would you rather fight it and stay headstrong
What will we see
forty or fifty years down the road
I hope that I will not be proven right
And while you can still correct the bulk of your flaws
Don't make it a lost cause

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.8
How Funny: 3.2
Overall Rating: 3.5

Total Votes: 4

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   2

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

JMasta - September 23, 2009 - Report this comment
I am your loyal and trusting fan. 555
Tommy Turtle - September 23, 2009 - Report this comment
What I hate most about the US is the incompetent public school system. "Nothings" (contraction of "nothing is", so it needs an apostrophe to indicate contraction: "Nothing's gonna change...") "youre" 2x ... also, not sure why, but many lines started with either one or two question marks. Did you use some special character, which my browser wouldn't recognize? That's what usually causes the ? to show up. DKTOS, so abstaining from voting, but have to agree with you about the sense of entitlement, sloth, and the PC-Nazis.
incompetentia - September 23, 2009 - Report this comment
Yeah, unfortunately, some of the characters didn't transfer over correctly. A lot of them I caught, but the sheer amount of them meant some of them were going to slip through. I'm usually the most meticulous grammar person, but you can't really tell from this one, can you...>_>
Christie Marie M - September 23, 2009 - Report this comment
I know you got nothing against America, but some of what you said in your satire are true, especially with greed, sloth, drugs, booze, stubbornness and malice! This country will never been the same as it had in 1809. Another situation you left out is unplanned pregnancy, but it's probably not the best example. Ditto on Turtle's comment on the incompetent school system. 5's!

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