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Song Parodies -> "Comet"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

MF DOOM ft. Parallel Thought

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

I've been hoping I can find something...that would be named after me.
I can see a new thing in the sleepless sky
But I'm not a geek, so I'll need to waste all my time
To find the number for the science lab
The one that goes a-huntin' for new planets and crap
Astronomy! Yes, that, had to have it
Correct or else I'd look mad bad askin'
'Round for the astrologer 'cause dudes look at you
Rude and that's true, you'd be that douche
Makin' major friggin' screwups when you've maybe
Made a super big breakthrough but you'll still look crazy
Please don't ask me just how badly some folks hate me
For messin' that up, kinda stuck 'em with a grade "C"
But, like, anywho
People will soon be askin' me: "I'm a bit confused
You say you're no geek, hence the number plot
But how would you notice that somethin' in the sky is off?"
The answer there is shut up
I still get night sky thrills, can watch stuff
Without tryin' to always record my story
To the big laboratory, bored I sit in my dormitory
My telescope facin'
Only one way, not changin' the orientation
'Cause there is only one window
Whoever designed this place cheaped out, what a big load
Point is: I like lookin' up
In the night sky to check if somethin's new or gone, one such
Thing's known and that's the thing that has flown so
It looks cool as shit, bitchin' logo
Here is a big chance for my one fear
Bein' unknown on this world here to just disappear
If they name it after me? Cool shit
The people in the future will know what this one fool did
The science kids will recite quickly
When it's spotted once more, I'm dizzy gettin' giddy
So I must try to call the committee that
Decides who gets their name picked and I'm pretty mad
I didn't think about this day, there's none greater
Should've saved the phone data
Just in case some time later the sky makes a
Brand new star, a grade-A ego inflater
There's the friggin' number now, I'm waitin' still
Re-checkin' co-ordinates while hold music makes me ill
At last, they pick up and my jaw slips
Since what they said is "Oh shit, that's no comet" (doom)

You don't need a stupid telescope. It's right there!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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