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Song Parodies -> "A Day At The Zoo"

Original Song Title:

"St. Anger"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"A Day At The Zoo"

Parody Written by:

Scott No Last Name Given

The Lyrics

I'm sick of playing ball, I'm tired of the mall
Don't want to stay in bed, let's see the zoo instead
(There's pelicans and elephants) We'll leave at noon today
(And cottontails and killer whales) Check out the manta ray
(Atlantic cod, an ocelot) I hear there's a giraffe
(A chickadee, a wallaby) And we could pet a calf

Forget hanging with your pets, 'cause they've got lemurs and egrets
I'd rather spend my day out, making faces at the trout
I know what I want to do, let's go look at a kangaroo
A manatee, a wolverine, live badgers and an elk

I'll sit by the lake with a mud snake
For a souvenir, take my photo with a deer
I wanna go out to the zoo, let's spend a whole day at the zoo

There's angelfish and ducks, some leopards and woodchucks
Plus, a rhinoceros, check out that octopus
(A yellow lark, a tiger shark) Some snapshots of that quail
(Some waterfowl, a spotted owl) Home movies of a snail
(An oriole, a meadow vole) This beats a matinee
(A prairie dog, and a bullfrog) There's species on display

Forget 'bout the cinema, 'cause there's a live tarantula
I need to see a common loon and stare at a raccoon
There's a little, brown chipmunk, in the cage right next to the skunk
A wild turkey, a chimpanzee, a scalloped hammerhead

I see an eagle beside a weasel
A cave full of bats and an albino rat
I just want to hang at the zoo, It's fun to be out at the zoo
I'm loving it, how about you? I bet you're enjoying it too

You say the animals look angry
You say they're looking too confined
You need to let out the iguanas
The sparrows and the porcupine
You need to set these creatures free
You need a little help from me, set them free!

But I still want to see the seals, and also those electric eels
The lion, bison and musk ox, along with the red fox
I'll try to help you set them loose, but first I gotta see the moose
And if there's time to take a peep, I'll visit all the sheep

I'll feed the wombats, and taunt the meerkats
And after all that's done, I can say I had fun
I gotta go hang at the zoo, let's go out and hang at the zoo
That's all that I'm looking to do, let's go spend a day at the zoo

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

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