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Song Parodies -> "Move Mitch, get out and pay! (The MONOPOLY song!!)"

Original Song Title:

"Move B*tch, get out da way"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Move Mitch, get out and pay! (The MONOPOLY song!!)"

Parody Written by:

Jared Lerner

The Lyrics

Hey everyone, I'm back from a 5 month vacation!! Enjoy!!

Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY

Hell yeah, the war's ON, and you're goin' bankrupt, MORON
Show the dough bud, and guard your props,
This shit's like Pringles,
Cuz' the fun never stops.
Why you play this? You got no clue...
You roll the dice and then it's Greek to you...
Landing your ass on frickin' Boardwalk,
You were so cocky Mitch (oh snap!), now you can't talk.
Where's all da houses? I don't see no pieces,
Your stupid ass probably thought that you'd get leases.
So bye bye, you waited too long to pull the trigger,
You'll get a tax deduction, now my stash is bigger.
Maybe I should start to do the chicken dance,
Cuz ya'll sweatin' like pigs, hopin' your shit lands on Chance.
You're M.I.A. and your game is through,
And you about to get yo' ass whooped to Timbuktu.

Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY

Here I come, there's the roll,
UH-OH Ventnor Avenue, SMOOTH!
Got all the yellows,
And soon I'll get the greens,
Get yo' ass in jail, I'm coming through...
Roll a seven, go land on Baltic CLOWN
Too bad for you punk, I got those too.
Young and forgetful, ever fretful,
Now people want YOUR ass to lose (Coo, Coo)
Hold up, got me Short Line
Ha ha, TOO SLOW....
Gots me a railroad, (what are youuuuu doin?)
Don't cry child, this is my business,
Tryin' to beat you down, MORTGAGE-ALERT SOON!
You's got no luck, and all your assets lack,
I just bought both utilities Mitch, watch yo' back,
Hell yeah I'm better, come on admit you SUCK,
Hey look, god is talking to you Mitch!
"I created you to lose to that guy, he's Gus"

Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY

Too bad I just got St. James,
Ooh, baby what a shame,
Say goodbye, I don't lie, what a short game.
Now the whole board's mine, ok ok fine...
You can have luxury tax, HAHA what a punchline.
Call the cops because I'm robbin' you cold,
Only property you'll ever keep is between your legs, SOLD!
I'm like a frickin machine, no solution for this,
Bragging here, loud and clear, Milton Bradley's my bitch,
Screw you whiz kids, I'm the shizzy, I'll beat you all,
Tuesday, at my house, bring some ice, it's for your balls.
I'm from the S.Y.T., and I hope you can see,
That stands for "Save Your Time" in case you didn't know pipsqueak,
Damn monopoly, too easy, so give me some cheers,
Have a seat, lose to me, you can buy me the beers,
And MOVE Mitch, you're blocking my view,
I'm missing this half-assed commercial from Mountain Dew.

Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY
Move Mitch, get out and PAY, get out and PAY, Mitch, get out and PAY

Now that I'm back, pay a visit to my cleverly constructed website, which can be done by clicking the link at the right of this arrow ----> PotatoLand!!!

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Matches Pace of
Original Song: 
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Overall Score: 

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.4
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 4.8

Total Votes: 5

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   1
 4   1
 5   3

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Billy Florio - July 21, 2003 - Report this comment
Nice job Jared, and welcome back....Ill have to visit the website later, I dont have time now
Frank - July 23, 2003 - Report this comment
Awesome, keep the hummdingers coming and I'll keep being an overpaid bartender in my moms basement.
Christine - September 30, 2003 - Report this comment
Excellent! I love this song by Ludicris to begin with....
David Pratter - January 30, 2005 - Report this comment
This year is Monopoly's 70th Anniversary! (Parker Brothers patented the game in 1935.)
Patrick - June 14, 2005 - Report this comment
Holy crap this is hilarious!!!! One of the funniest parodies I've ever seen!!
Mitch - May 16, 2006 - Report this comment
Wow this is the funniest parody ive seen in my whole entire life. it also just so happens that my names mitch & i really suck at monopoly so that was really cool
Cthulhu. Ia! Ia! - October 24, 2007 - Report this comment
Dani - June 30, 2008 - Report this comment
is there any way i can listen to this

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