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Song Parodies -> "The Retarded Showdown"

Original Song Title:

"The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny"

Original Performer:

Lemon Demon

Parody Song Title:

"The Retarded Showdown"

Parody Written by:

Lime Devil

The Lyrics

Hey, so i go on amiright today and see.Whoa all my other parodies suck!so i made this on for fun, plz leave comments
Old jason Voorhees was stalkin around, camp crystal lake like a big playground
when suddenly the crazy frog burst from the lake, and stabbed jason with a wooden stake
Since Jasons not a vampire it didnt work, he started to cry and call crazy frog a jerk
Crazy frog said "ive seen number two, a machete in the shoulder would really kill you"
But Leather face jumped out and cut off their heads,
and E.T jumped out and made leatherface dead.
But right then when he was trying to call home,
Homer simpson spilled beer on his phone
darth vader ran up behind them used the force
And link rode by on his trusty horse
But pit shot epona and link went berzerk
and slashed the hell out of captin Kirk.

This is the retarded showdown, with every tard of history
including newton and franklin, it was always their destiny
Weve got George Bush and Einstein, the tards of history
Everyone in this song, its their friggin dark destiny

Jason voorhees rose up from the dead
but was killed again by some random severed head
Link was still crazy from the death of his horse
he was murduring and slaughtering every sort
and Micheal the turtle was mourning over crazy frog
when outta nowhere came the catdog
but suddenly something caught their eyes and they saw
Leo Dicaprio was winning the brawl
and they said to each other "we cant watch him win"
so they threw a grenade that charred his skin
And Randal and Dante were cooking fries
and they quickly cooked up catdog's demise
and they grabbed catdog and cooked them in a burger
and served it to cloud so they couldnt see a murder

This is the retarded showdown, with every tard of history
including newton and franklin, it was always their destiny
Weve got George Bush and Einstein, the tards of history
Everyone in this song, its their friggin dark destiny

Micheal Jackson Sang Out, It sounded Lame
And down from the skies came the wrestler Kane
who delivered a chokeslam, that brought down the house
and nearly killed, Gus the Mouse

Then Micheal the black and micheal the white
and Luke skywalker the wicked awsome Jedi knight
and Mario and Luigi, sharing a martini,
Eric Cartman and Alladins Genie
Micheal Myers, Santa Clause, Weird Al and Big tall Jaws
iDOG, Tripods, and the music of the T-Squad
Peter Griffin and Fitzgerald Mouse
Bender Rodríguez and Cole Sprouse

All came outta somewhere in a flash
and killed Kane and took his cash
it was the funniest thing that I ever saw
But some people were just in aw.

The battle raged on for 3 days
and kind of ended in a way
cause now we have 2 winners and we are kind of surprised
Jay and Silent Bob eating p!$$ and flies.

This is the retarded showdown, with every tard of history
including newton and franklin, it was always their destiny
Weve got George Bush and Einstein, the tards of history
Everyone in this song (Everyone in this song)
Everyone in this song(Everyone in this song)
Everyone in this song, its their friggin dark destiny
Yea so leave a comment i want to get better at Parodies

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.7
How Funny: 3.8
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 6

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   2
 3   1
 4   0
 5   3

User Comments

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SomethingBoutHarry - March 05, 2007 - Report this comment
I liked it alot. U used alot of different characters. You have obviously seen all these movies/games..... but there was alot of things you would not get if you havent seen these movies.. GREAT JOB

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