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Song Parodies -> "Shin Hits the Table"

Original Song Title:

"Lips of an Angel"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Shin Hits the Table"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

It happens to everyone. Wander around, not looking where you're going and KA-THUNK! Coffee table to the shins!
I try not to walk arou-ound too-oo late
It's hard when I've got the li-ights out
Cause at that time of night, all they'd do is blind me, mate
I've gotta grope, touch and feel my way around
And then inside the livin' room
I misjudged where I was, dude
And now I-I'm screamin' murder be-ecause

There was a sudden thunk-like noi-oise
Then the swea-ears started flyin' free-ee-ee
All because my shin hit the table
That really-y hurts, it's not just me-e-e
And i-it's why I don't like to wa-alk at night
Just one of tho-ose things that's always pai-ainful
When your shin hits the ta-able

It doesn't always have to be-e a-at night
Whacked them durin' the day too
If you're askin' how that can be
Don't know myself, ri-i-ight
The point is that it leaves a bruise
And cause it's the same table, dude
Tend to get hit in said bruise
Movin' the-e table doesn't do-o squat

So if you hear a howlin' noi-oise
No questio-ion what happened to me-e-e
Once again, my shin hit the table
It friggi-in' hurts, still doesn't blee-ee-eed
I gue-uess I should look on the bri-ight-ish side
But it's hard whe-en it's so bloody pai-ainful
When your shin hits the ta-able

I'm pretty sick of that thunk noi-oise
One of the-ese days, I'll lose my fee-ee-eet
E'vry time my shin hits the table
Teachin' ne-ew words to my budgie-ie-ie
You'd thi-ink I would learn to move to-o the side
But my brain's bu-usy with how it's pai-ainful
When your shin hits the ta-abl-le (no-o lie)
This happens ev'ry-y damn time
I cross the li-ivin' room, it's so pai-ainful
When your shin hits the ta-able

Could you not kick my shins plea-ease? I-In pain

It's even worse when you're holding a coffee, but that's a whole separate parody, methinks...

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.5
How Funny: 4.5
Overall Rating: 4.5

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   1

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