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Song Parodies -> "I'll Kill Charmles"

Original Song Title:

"Soul Meets Body"

Original Performer:

Death Cab For Cutie

Parody Song Title:

"I'll Kill Charmles"

Parody Written by:

Stephen Harrington

The Lyrics

Based on Dragon Quest 8. Charmles is a prince that is very selfish(that description still isn't strong enough). His name is also a play on "Charmless". If you are wondering how to pronounce his name, say it like this: "Charmuls".
I'll take this sword, and go kill Charmles
and watch the blood spurt and flow around him
and soak my ears in screaming pain and torment
and laugh, laugh at a death that is due
cause in this land, there is an argon lizard*
where I'll leave his corpse to rot and be devoured
so we will have a chance of telling a lie
that they'll believe to be the truth

Die die die die die die
die die die die die die die die
die die die die die die die die die die die die

And I will not let his ass recover
(then) we'll dig the dirt for his grave with our shovels
now I know our bloody hands will need such a cleaning
and then the stains won't remain

And I do believe it's right
that this ol' sword is the end of his life
and as the violence take's him
yeah, I know his life is dim
so bug eyes I'll strike you here
'cause you're the only one I want to sheer**
a parody swiftly flowing through our atmosphere***

As I kill Charmles.....

When I kill Charmles.....
my sword kills Charmles.....

And I do believe it's right
that this ol' sword is the end of his life
and as the violence take's him
yeah, I know his life is dim
so bug eyes I'll strike you here
'cause you're the only one I want to sheer
a parody swiftly flowing through our atmosphere

A parody swiftly flowing through our atmosphere

A parody swiftly flowing through our atmosphere

A parody swiftly flowing through our atmosphere

*A type of monster in the game, you have to hunt them with Charmles. **I know "sheer" is a pretty weird word to work with in describing murder, but I like it. ***This lyrical line just refers to my play on this song, seems out of place from the rest of the song, but it grew on me. Comments? ^___^

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.2
How Funny: 2.2
Overall Rating: 2.4

Total Votes: 5

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   2

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Stephen Harrington - March 08, 2006 - Report this comment
Well, well, well.... I'm surprised this didn't get any more votes. It's a pretty new song.
Stephen Harrington - April 13, 2006 - Report this comment
If you're gonna 111 this parody, I want to know why you don't like it, I know I followed the OS pretty close pacing wise.
DJ Blaze - August 06, 2009 - Report this comment
I remember Charmles, and I remember him being a big pain in the hind quarters! I've yet to play DQ8, but I've seen my bro do it. Poor Medea, she has to marry that brat! 555, though I DKTOS.
Stephen Harrington - October 25, 2009 - Report this comment
I got more than far enough to experience it full force. I actually a battle fantasy thread where he's part of a group of characters(one of the other ones I hate myself).

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