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Song Parodies -> "Congealed Thing"

Original Song Title:

"The Real Thing"

Original Performer:

Bo Bice

Parody Song Title:

"Congealed Thing"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Dude gets served a plate of the worst looking meal he's ever laid eyes on. Will he eat it?
This food on the tray, I see it
But I think I may not eat it
Cause it looks like a blo-ob
If I ate that, I'm go-onna throw i-it
Right up, kno-ow i-it

Gotta say I'm not that hungry, I'm not
Eatin' that congea-ealed thing
It looks like a brain that has been fricasséed
And that's not a goo-ood thing, not a goo-ood thi-ing
I'm not gonna lie-ie, I'd rather eat pa-aste
Than this pile of ro-ot you've placed on my pla-ee-ate
Can we just get take-out or pizza, mate?
Won't eat that congea-ealed thing
Don't want to lose my to-ongue

I'm not eatin' this putrid mush
Looks like scum from a polluted ri-iver
There's a green tint to the ai-air
Swear you can see the sme-ell and that smell's ho-orri-id
Somethi-in' is ro-otte-en, yeah

Stomach growls a lot, but be clear, I'm not
Eatin' that congea-ealed thi-ing
I'm sure that the taste will send words to my brain
That I should yell ru-ude things, lots of ru-ude thi-ings
I'm not gonna try-y that crap on my pla-ate
I'd prefer my sno-ot, afraid it's true, ma-ee-ate
Know I sound ungrateful, but I must say
I want that congea-ealed thing
To be sent to the su-un

There's no way you can make me eat
This lump of misshapen bath scunge you-ou call "food"
Not even if you're bribin' me
With giant muffins and i-ice crea-eam
Won't eat this congea-ealed thing
Somehow smells burnt and ra-aw

No amount of sauce will make me eat up
This rancid congea-ealed thi-ing
Flush it down the drain, toss it in the trash, mate
Cause it's such a cru-ude thing, total cru-ude thi-ing
Served at a pig sty-y, even pigs would ha-ate
This disgustin' slo-op you've scraped on my pla-ee-ate
Makin' me irate you want me to taste
This rotten congea-ealed thing
Cause it will come back u-up
One bite and you'll stop beggin' me to nom
This ugly congea-ealed thi-ing?
Though I'm still afraid that I'll stab out my brain
I'm bein' a ru-ude prick, such a ru-ude pri-ick
Gonna take a bi-ite, here we go, let's pra-ay
That my fragile gu-uts won't rage and esca-ee-ape
Won't believe me, mate, this crap tastes real great
I'll eat this congea-ealed thing
It's ta-asty-y

He likes it! Mikey really likes it!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 4

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   4

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