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Song Parodies -> "(Because I Got) The Flu From Hawaii"

Original Song Title:

"Because I Got High"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"(Because I Got) The Flu From Hawaii"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

For anyone who's been sick while they're on vacation. And yes, we have someone to blame for the sniffles. Almost.
Flu From Hawaii

(blows nose)
Sorry man, I just gotta call in sick from Hawaii.

I was going out for a surf, while I was in Hawaii,
I was gonna ride an epic wave, while I was in Hawaii,
Now I'm wiped out from the sniffles, and I know why,
(What, man?)
The flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,

I was chillaxing in the sun, while I was in Hawaii,
I was loaded up with 50 plus, while I was in Hawaii,
Now my fever's at 102, and I know why,
The flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,

Sightseeing at Mauna Kea, while I was in Hawaii,
Take some epic lava selfie shots, while I was in Hawaii,
Now I'm sweating and I got the chills, and I know why,
The flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,

I was invited to a luau, while I was in Hawaii,
I was gonna indulge in a roasted pig and a serving of poi,
Now my guts are screaming prayers, I ain't outside,
Cause the flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,

I was visited by a blue furred pup, while I was in Hawaii.
(Oh, not Stitch!)
I hugged him, but on me he sneezed, while I was in Hawaii.
Well, he's currently healthy, but now not I,
From the flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,

I was gonna get to the doctor, while I was in Hawaii,
Tried to explain all the sniffles and sneezes, while I was in Hawaii,
I'm sleepin' in the waiting room, all because why,
The flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,
The flu from Hawaii,

My immune system's not on vacation, while I'm in Hawaii,
Well at least I won't take this wrong, while I'm in Hawaii,
Turns out the blue furred pup was laughing, it turned out why,
'Twas a prank from Hawaii,
A prank from Hawaii,
A prank from Hawaii,

Hey, is the flu a prank?

Oh well...

Fa la lalala sniffly da
Yeah, at least I can laugh
Ha ha hachooey wah
Sniffly sneeze at you all
La da da da dah de dah
Sniffly dee dee
Say mutt?
Say mutt?
Say what?

So cover your noses, wash your hands, have a nice stay.

(That's fantastic advice for all the listeners.

Hey man, how many listeners we infected?
If Stitch hears this, ooh man, I'm flying plastered.

No more alien hugs from now on, pup.)
Remember, wash your hands after every sneeze, love RabidLeroy!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.6
How Funny: 2.6
Overall Rating: 2.6

Total Votes: 7

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   2
 3   1
 4   1
 5   1

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