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Song Parodies -> "I Am Spawn"

Original Song Title:

"When I'm Gone"

Original Performer:

3 Doors Down

Parody Song Title:

"I Am Spawn"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

My tribute to Spawn, otherwise known as the rare early-Image character that people actually give a shit about, presumably because he actually has character depth and motivation and all that crap.
Don't know what the hell happened to me-e
Wa-as I once quite decea-eased?
But if so, why can't I recall my-y li-i-i-i-ife?
There is a name: Al Simmons
Floa-oatin' a-around in my mi-ind
That could just be my former na-a-ame, yeah-eah
Or is that just a lie-ie?

It might be just a lie-ie

But for now, you should fea-ear
Me, cause when I co-ome
I will bash your heads
Right in cause I am Spa-awn
I will break your ha-and
And punch out all your tee-eeth
Because this comic wa-as made in the ninetie-ies
I'm throwing mooks arou-ound
Break their spines real goo-ood
Takin' down Jason Wynn
Because I think I shou-ould
His villainous caree-eer
It needs to be sto-opped
Deeper reason why I care?
Not sure, but be prepared
To face the man called Spa-a-awn

I know that I'm Spa-a-awn

I wish this damn clown would go-o away
Keeps gettin' under my skin
By tellin' jokes that a-are si-ick
And sayin' that he-e's my frie-iend
I don't remember this prick
Wi-ish he wou-ould leave me alo-one
I'm tryna find this Wa-anda-a chick
She's all I-I can recall

Muggers had better fea-ear
Cause I'll kick their bu-utts
Smash them into brick
Walls because I am Spa-awn
Don't know who I a-am
Well, who I used to be-e
Right now I'm the one who-o's rippin' out your splee-een
When I come crashin' do-own
My suit's lookin' goo-ood
But you can't see my grin
When your head meets the hoo-ood
Of that jacked car, oh dea-ear
That's a lot of bloo-ood
But that's just too bad, cause there's
More bad guys over there
I'll beat them cause I'm Spa-awn

My red cape lets me fly

Is hell my home? I fea-ear
That might not be wro-ong
Hence why that clown says
That I'm a real hellspa-awn
My mind is a bla-ank
Erased of memorie-ies
I should've guessed that the-e devil would trick me-e
Kick ass all over to-own
Bus'nessmen and hoo-oods
Hopin' to find a hint
Of if I once was goo-ood
My skin's been really sea-eared
By that demon co-on
If you saw it, you'd be scared
But I doubt you'll get there
I'll whack you cause I'm Spa-a-awn

All I know's I'm Spa-awn
Look out, scum, I-I'm Spa-awn
I a-am Spa-a-awn
I a-am Spa-awn
I a-am Spa-a-a-a-awn

Wish I could've fit in the name of the demon Al Simmons made the deal with (Malebolgia) but oh well.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.2
How Funny: 4.2
Overall Rating: 4.3

Total Votes: 6

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   2
 4   1
 5   3

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