Entries Beginning with S, Page 26
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Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
Elsie (formerly Alex) Aerni
"Sweepin' With The Radio On," Charly McClain originally
"Sleepin' With The Radio On" Hardly an earth-shattering thing to do or not do!
Carlito Syrichta
"Sleeping Clone," Everlast originally
"Sleeping Alone" Melissa Conway
"Sleeping Hag," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" FussBudget
"Sleeping Bog," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" Goofball
"Sleeping Rag," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" Mallory
"Sleeping Ban," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" Hard to enforce
Gretchen Wieners
"Sleeping Bad," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" Sometimes we don't sleep very well
"Bleeping Bag," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" Calop
"Sweeping Bag," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" Mallory
"Sleeping Bat," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" Goofball
"Sleeping Tag," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" Can kiddies play tag in their sleep?
"Sleeping Nag," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" Calop
"Sleeping Big," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" Gretchen Wieners
"Sleeping Bug," ZZ Top originally
"Sleeping Bag" Gretchen Wieners
Makes as much sense as original!
Beverly Stiles
"Sleeping Nun," Nightwish originally
"Sleeping Sun" Candy Welty
"Sleeping Son," Nightwish originally
"Sleeping Sun" thelastaurora
How could one slander a fungus?
Gina Munroe
"Slice Of Leaven," Dave Dobbyn originally
"Slice Of Heaven" Carmen Stokes
"Slide Of Heaven," Dave Dobbyn originally
"Slice Of Heaven" Cheryl Jordan
"Alice Of Heaven," Dave Dobbyn originally
"Slice Of Heaven" Carmen Stokes
"Slime Of Heaven," Dave Dobbin originally
"Slice Of Heaven" Ah, Wouldn't've expected that there!
Rosie Finch
"Spice Of Heaven," Dave Dobbyn originally
"Slice Of Heaven" Carmen Stokes
"Spice Of Heaven," Dave Dobbin originally
"Slice Of Heaven" Rosie Finch
"Alice Of Heaven," Dave Dobbin originally
"Slice Of Heaven" Rosie Finch
"Slice Of Lift," Bauhaus originally
"Slice Of Life" Jessica Childress
"Spice Of Life," Bauhaus originally
"Slice Of Life" Heidi Sharpe
"Flick," Sugar originally
"Slick" Candy Welty
"Slice," Sugar originally
"Slick" Candy Welty
That's just disgusting.
"The Slum," Sugar originally
"The Slim" Wanda Ruppendown
"The Slip," Sugar originally
"The Slim" Wanda Ruppendown
"Slip Sliding Awry," Paul Simon originally
"Slip Sliding Away" Drew Scarymore
"Slop Sliding Away," Paul Simon originally
"Slip Sliding Away" Drew Scarymore
Now first word (presumably adj. before) is a verb.
Alicia Sturdivant
Might need to be sewn
What some people probably thought was the title
"Oliver," Nirvana originally
"Sliver" Melissa Conway
Type of dancing done near nuclear power plants?
Does the farmer or plow do this dance?
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