Add one letter out of a song title to change it's meaning. The addition of the letter should still form a word, and the title should be humorous as a result. You CAN NOT add S to the end of a word to make it plural.
For example: Nine Inch Nails's "Help Me I'm In Hell" would become "Help Me I'm In Shell"
Entries Beginning with C, Page 7
Entries starting with C are split into multiple pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
"Come On Lover To My Place," The Drifters originally
"Come On Over To My Place" Candy Welty
"Come On Over To My Palace," The Drifters originally
"Come On Over To My Place" Candy Welty
"Come Pout And Play," The Offspring originally
"Come Out And Play" Might be hard to do both simultaneously?
"Come Pout Swinging," The Offspring originally
"Come Out Swinging" Millie Henry
"Come Rain Or Comet Shine," Billie Holiday originally
"Come Rain Or Come Shine" Rachel Stedman
Yes! I want you near my spoon!
Audrey Ruiz
Less colloquial than such use of "round"
Audrey Ruiz
"Come Share The Good Times With Meg," Julie Monday originally
"Come Share The Good Times With Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Come Share The Good Times With Men," Julie Monday originally
"Come Share The Good Times With Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Come Share The Good Times With Mel," Julie Monday originally
"Come Share The Good Times With Me" Alyssa Jayne
"Comet To Daddy," Aphex Twin originally
"Come To Daddy" Paige Evans
"Come Top Daddy," Aphex Twin originally
"Come To Daddy" Jennifer Howard
"Come Top Jesus," Mindy Smith originally
"Come To Jesus" Regina Olsen
Some comets have crashed into the Sun.
Heather Brockwell
Suni is a type of small antelope.
Heather Brockwell
Like all those comets that disappoint expectations
Honey Mustard Plaster Of Paris Hilton
"Come With Med Now," Kongos originally
"Come With Me Now" Don't leave your medications behind!
Amber D'Allesio
"Come With Mel Now," Kongos originally
"Come With Me Now" Amber D'Allesio
"Come With Meg Now," Kongos originally
"Come With Me Now" Amber D'Allesio
"Come With Men Now," Kongos originally
"Come With Me Now" Amber D'Allesio
"Comet With Me Now," Kongos originally
"Come With Me Now" Has someone captured a comet?!?
Amber D'Allesio
"Come With Moe Now," Kongos originally
"Come With Me Now" Amber D'Allesio
"Come With Mae Now," Kongos originally
"Come With Me Now" Amber D'Allesio
"Come Witch Me Now," Kongos originally
"Come With Me Now" "Witch" can be verb, essentially meaning bewitch.
Amber D'Allesio
"Comfort Beagle," Cake originally
"Comfort Eagle" Bridget Andrews
"Cosmic Conversation," John Farnham originally
"Comic Conversation" April Fleming
"Comin' Down With Glove," Mel Gadson originally
"Comin' Down With Love" Candy Welty
"Comin' Down With Clove," Mel Gadson originally
"Comin' Down With Love" Candy Welty
"Comin' Down With Lover," Mel Gadson originally
"Comin' Down With Love" Candy Welty
"Coming In Shot," Peter Tosh originally
"Coming In Hot" Darkren
Wise person, bush, or spice?
Gretchen Wieners
"Computer Glove," Kraftwerk originally
"Computer Love" Regina Olsen
"Computer Lover," Kraftwerk originally
"Computer Love" Chelsea Turtle
"Congratulations To Meg," Darrell Glenn originally
"Congratulations To Me" Yvette Bristle
"Congratulations To Moe," Darrell Glenn originally
"Congratulations To Me" Yvette Bristle
"Congratulations To Mel," Darrell Glenn originally
"Congratulations To Me" Yvette Bristle
"Congratulations To Mae," Darrell Glenn originally
"Congratulations To Me" Yvette Bristle
"Congratulations To Men," Darrell Glenn originally
"Congratulations To Me" Yvette Bristle
"Consuming Fibre," Third Day originally
"Consuming Fire" Harriet Henderson
COBOL is an old programming language.
As in the computer language, Cobol
Trina Lufkin
"Cobol For Cats," Squeeze originally
"Cool For Cats" As in the programming language Cobol.
Adrienne Ramseur
"Cool For Coats," Squeeze originally
"Cool For Cats" What Al Gore hopes much of the world stays.
Naomi Swanson
"Cool For Chats," Squeeze originally
"Cool For Cats" Conversations or birds - either way.
Naomi Swanson
As in the programming language Cobol
Adrienne Ramseur
"Cool Skids," Echosmith originally
"Cool Kids" Regina Olsen
"Cool Kinds," Echosmith originally
"Cool Kids" Kinds of what?
Hayley Spalding
"Cool Palaces," The Sparks originally
"Cool Places" Rachel
"Cool Brain," Amy Sky originally
"Cool Rain" Crystal Paisley
"Cool Grain," Amy Sky originally
"Cool Rain" Crystal Paisley
"Cool Train," Amy Sky originally
"Cool Rain" Crystal Paisley
"Cool Drain," Amy Sky originally
"Cool Rain" Crystal Paisley
What happens to it at the end of its life?
"Crop Killer," Ice T originally
"Cop Killer" Such as a plague of locusts
Jasen Betts
"Corps On Our Tail," Raveonettes originally
"Cops On Our Tail" Sophia Borden
"Crops On Our Tail," Raveonettes originally
"Cops On Our Tail" Sophia Borden
"Cops On Our Trail," Raveonettes originally
"Cops On Our Tail" Lorraine Thoanjer
"Cops On Your Tail," Raveonettes originally
"Cops On Our Tail" Sophia Borden
"Copse On Our Tail," Raveonettes originally
"Cops On Our Tail" Copse = a small thicket of trees
Sophia Borden
Same sound, different meaning
Carla Jorgensen
"Cornbread Moron," Joe Ely originally
"Cornbread Moon" Yvette Bristle
"Coroner Of The Sky," Pippin originally
"Corner Of The Sky" Cassandra Lund
"Corner Of The Skye," Pippin originally
"Corner Of The Sky" As in the Isle Of Skye?
Cassandra Lund
"Scorner Of The Sky," Pippin originally
"Corner Of The Sky" Cassandra Lund
"A Coroner Of The Sun," Walter Jackson originally
"A Corner Of The Sun" Often determines burning as cause of death.
Regina Olsen
"A Corner Off The Sun," Walter Jackson originally
"A Corner Of The Sun" Trina Lufkin
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