Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
For more information about the misheard lyrics available on this site, please read our FAQ.
This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.
Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not
by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see
misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and
misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).

Coca-Cola Commercial Songs 1962-89 album at Amazon.com
More Americans get their news from ABC News
Than from any other sauce
More Americans get their news from ABC News
Than from any other source
The Story: I clearly thought it sounded like "sauce", which sounded funny because it made no sense. Not until later versions with on-screen wording came around, so now I know what it actually was. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Took care of my when I have a cold, Alka Seltzer did
Took care of my Winter Harbor cold, Alka Seltzer Plus did
The Story: Winter Harbor is town in Maine, and the old man's accent was definitely New Englander. - Submitted by: Old Man Edgar Winter
Taught me how to win again
Taught me how to live again
The Story: I thought it had to do with Mick Huckall winning...again! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
You've got mayo
You've got mail
The Story: I got confused between "mail" and "mayo". Not to mention how that shares with a title of a 1998 film with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Once-a-day Anoro
Once daily Anoro
The Story: It makes sense to hear either one...they are synonymous here. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
In the almond preserves
In the Army Reserve
The Story: No nuts could make preserves...only fruit can! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Break your finger
Break a finger
The Story: Source - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWgofsAhXWY - Submitted by: Brendan Richards
"Bain De Soleil Suntan Lotion (jingle)"
Bain de Solieil
For the central faces
Bain de Soleil
For the San Tropez tan.
The Story: This is how I heard it when I was like 7 or 8. I would have had no idea what San Tropez was back then, and since faces get tan, my small brain just filled lyrics in strangely. - Submitted by: Jason Kocol
"Bain De Soleil Suntan Lotion (jingle)"
Bake the soil Four to the trillionth
Bain de Soleil
For the San Tropez tan.
The Story: REALLY - Submitted by: Lim3
"Bain De Soleil Suntan Lotion (jingle)"
Ban de Soleil - For the Central Faces.
Bain de Soleil
For the San Tropez tan.
The Story: It made perfect sense. It was suntan oil for faces.... I just couldn't figure out what, specifically, was a Central face. - Submitted by: April
Band of Solay
For the Zen Dro Bay tan
Bain de Soleil
For the San Tropez tan
The Story: I never learned to speak French, so these words sounded foreign to me. - Submitted by: Opie M.
Be prepared, are you ready to hold the door?
Be prepared, are you ready to take the leap?
Be prepared, are you ready to get involved?
Be prepared, are you ready to take the lead?
The Story: Since one of the duties of Boy Scouts is to help others, I was thinking that a Scout was holding a door for an elderly person. - Submitted by: Odie Garfield
"Burger King (America's Burger King jingle)"
Two-hundred million people know two are quite the same
Two-hundred million people, no two are quite the same
The Story: I know it was only the homonym, but this ad campaign was in the mid-70s. I was only about 10 and got my words mixed up. - Submitted by: Odie Garfield
Healthier habits together
Healthier happens together
The Story: It really sounded like "habits" which made sense. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Rolling in the barroom
Rolling in the garden
The Story: I always wondered about how they would roll in the barroom when it’s for kids. Sounds strange! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Campbell's submits
A possibilities.
Campbell's Tomato Soup
The Story: This jingle drove me nuts! I could never figure it out. I never happened to have the captions on during the commercial. It became a nagging obsession to find out what it was saying! - Submitted by: Asa Gregory
Campbell's tomato soup
Awesome guillotines.
Campbell's tomato soup
The Story: I heard this on the TV (while not watching during the break). I thought What?? Awesome guillotines? It certainly sounded like that. That got me to watching the rest of the ad. At the end they put the words on the screen: Campbell's tomato soup -- possibilities. Without that I would never have figured out for sure what I misheard as 'awesome guillotines'. - Submitted by: Ashley Michelle McGowan
Campells Tomato Boob
Slap my belly, please.
Campbell's Tomato Soup
The Story: I was walking out of my room and heard the TV. I was drinking a Coke, so I spit it out (accidentally). Then my friend told me what it really was. - Submitted by: Sara
Relax in your puppy pants
Relax in your comfy pants
The Story: There has been notorious hearing about this, thanks to Commercials I Hate. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Cellino n Baanes Eendzhututry EHTOORNEYS ass hhhhhhh AAA aaaa
Cellino & Barnes, the injury attourneys 800-888-8888!
The Story: This C&B cab - Submitted by: JJ
I'd like to buy the world a goat
I'd like to buy the world a Coke
The Story: This was how my dad heard it. - Submitted by: Patrick
And the cream in your mouth is Colgate.
And the clean in your mouth is Colgate.
The Story: When I thought they were saying 'cream in your mouth', it brought to my mind a little boy with Colgate toothpaste in his mouth. All of a sudden' he opens his mouth and shows everybody the toothpaste in his mouth. How sickeningly disgusting! It almost makes me gag just thinking about it. :-( - Submitted by: Wimpy
Many will enter, you will win
Many will enter, few will win
The Story: Used to think at first that's what he/she said when it came to those contests! I would have thought I would win if I had entered! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
The Story: It was the kid saying the company name and that it could have sounded like “dick” and so I figured how it was. DIC is pronounced “deek” and so it figured what it really was. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Do a dollop of Gaisy
Do a dollop of Daisy
The Story: I thought it was a commercial for a gay bar up until yestergay I finally figured it out. - Submitted by: Minga
Dupe a dollop of dupe dupe a dollop of, dupe a dollop of dupe dupe a dollop of Daisy
do do do, do do a dollop, do do do do do a dollop of Daisy!
The Story: We feel stupid. - Submitted by: Aaron
I ate a butt with a dollop, a dollop.. I ate Daisys ass with a dollop, a dollop A dollop of Daisy!
do do do, do do a dollop, do do do do do a dollop of daisy!
The Story: It's true - Submitted by: Mr. Butts
A diaper is forever
A diamond is forever
The Story: Pretty weird name for jewelry! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
And I don't gotta go right now.
And I don't have to go right now.
The Story: My cousin, my sister and I were arguing about which of these lyrics were correct. - Submitted by: Lisa
Five hours of slumber once a week
Five hours of summer once a week
The Story: I always wondered what it meant by this when it came to that ABC block. Neither "slumber" nor "summer" made sense for this. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Toto Toto the internet is sublime!
Dodo dodo internet that flies 9.90 a month
Connect yourself with Dodo.
The Story: This one time at Uncle Eugene's the song came on directly after watching The Wizard of Oz!!! Haha LOL - Submitted by: Sam Keys
But the single most flavorite
Double in the world is
Doublemint, Doublemint
Doublemint Gum.
But the single most favorite
Double in the world is
Double good, double good
Doublemint Gum.
The Story: The first time I heard that commercial and I thought they were saying 'flavorite' instead of 'favorite' I thought 'flavorite' was just a play on words. - Submitted by: Wimpy
Friends don't let friends drive trucks
Friends don't let friends do drugs
Friends don't let friends drive drunk
The Story: It was really that time when it came to that phrase, and it made sense to hear "drive trucks" or "do drugs". Really iconic slogan from the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Ad Council. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
800-588-two-three-hundred-and five, Empire (Today)
800-588-2300, Empire! (Today!)
The Story: I heard it all the time as a kid and had it memorized with my siblings. - Submitted by: Ry
800-5AA-Tooty-Hundred, and Fire!
800-588-2300, Empire!
The Story: When it became Empire Today, the Empire Man added the word "Today", which he spoke. When this jingle first used, there was no 800 number, just the "588-2300" part. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Ay Hundered faivAA TOO free hontred And Pah uh Tudei
Eight hundred five eight eight, two three hundred, Empire Today
The Story: The Empire Today jingle is 8005882300 Empire Today. - Submitted by: JJ
Eight hundred five eight eight, two three hundred, and pie! (Today!)
Eight hundred five eight eight, two three hundred, Empire! (Today!)
The Story: Was mentioned in several comments on YouTube postings of this ad. - Submitted by: Jilliaj
The Story: It treats patients with type 2 diabetes! - Submitted by: James Beer
The best part of waking up, is soldiers in your cup!
The best part of waking up, is Folger's in your cup!
The Story: I hear this commonly without seeing the actual image of the ad so I assume literal toy soldiers are in the cup - Submitted by: 1390vincal
We took the drug that built America.
We took the truck that built America.
The Story: I initially thought it was an ad for beer. Colonial Americans drank lots of beer. - Submitted by: Liz
Put a tiger on your teeth
Put a tiger on your team
The Story: My sister was singing it this way in Tony the Tiger's voice. She thought it was referring to actually eating the Frosted Flakes, thus getting the sugar on your teeth. - Submitted by: A Nanny Mouse
Fruity Marshmallow Krispies
Lots of fruity marshmallow shits
Fruity Marshmallow Krispies
Lots of fruity marshmallow shapes
The Story: One day when Nickelodeon was on in the background my nephew asked me "Did you know they cuss in that commercial?" I asked him what cuss word they were saying. He then spelled the word out and his dad then corrected him for cussing. I then corrected him by saying that it was "ships" Only today have I found out that I too was wrong. - Submitted by: Deaf in one ear, can't hear out the other
We bring Goofy to life
We bring good things to life
The Story: Sounded like they would bring one of Mickey’s friends to life - Submitted by: Cody Finke
How do you know you've found your tea?
How do you know you've found your team?
The Story: I initially thought it was an ad for tea. - Submitted by: Liz
Goosey Cow, Goosey Cow, Goosey Cow.
Go see Cal, Go see Cal, Go See Cal.
The Story: The song referred to "Cal Worthington & his dog Spot". Then it would cut to a shot of Cal walking around the car dealership w/ a monkey, a tiger or an elephant (but never a dog). So when I thought I heard "goosey cow", I thought that they were being sarcastic & mixing the words of the song & the animals shown up, as before. - Submitted by: Laura
If you want a car or truck, "goosey cow".
If you want to save a buck, "goosey cow".
If you want a car or truck, "Go see Cal".
If you want to save a buck, "Go see Cal".
The Story: In the commercials the narrator would say, "Come down & meet Cal Worthington & his dog Spot". Then it would show him walking around the dealership w/a tiger or a monkey. But never a dog. So I guess we thought they wrote the song with the goosey cow lyrics with that same mindset. - Submitted by: Laura Salatich
He's a grown-up, that's for sure
Kids and grown ups love it so
The Story: This jingle is kind of hard to understand what they're exactly saying, so this is what I could make out. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Only heat
Only Heath
The Story: Don't melt a candy bar in the heat! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Pussy, pussy, pussy
Hefty, Hefty, Hefty
The Story: In the hefty commercial the garbage can is singing hefty hefty hefty. But if you really listen, it sounds like something else! It's because there are two voices in it, similar to that Laurel and Yanny thing. - Submitted by: Hannah
I have to take a pee anally but I have a stuffed up ass now!!
I have an annuity but I need cash now
The Story: The funny story about this is that it's true. It's what I heard when the song came on and I really needed to take a big s*** and pi*s through my ass. - Submitted by: Daka
They're grrrapes
They're grrreat
The Story: The kid in the Frosted Flakes ad asked Tony The Tiger why did he said, "they're grrrapes". - Submitted by: Odie Garfield
Take me out for pizza and a Kit Kat Bar.
Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar.
The Story: I actually didn't hear this, but one of my teachers in school did and told our class. I always thought it was funny. - Submitted by: Janel
Who knows? I'm yours!
Kudos, I'm yours!
The Story: When I first heard this commercial I misheard the lyrics as "Who knows?" rather as "Kudos". - Submitted by: Isac
You tolled your brand new car
You totaled your brand new car
The Story: I thought that's what she said in the commercial! To be fair, tolls are a common fad when driving a tolled highway. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
He likey!
Hey Mikey!
The Story: I used to think the other boy was saying "He likey!" and I repeated the misheard lyrics, but my mother turned stepmother (obviously not my stepmother anymore) told me that the other boy was saying "Hey Mikey!". - Submitted by: Isac
Lite Brite making things with light ARE YOU HIP TO MAKING things with Lite Brite
Lite-Brite, making things with light.What a sight, making things with Lite-Brite
The Story: I have no excuse or logical reasoning for this LOL It's what I heard. I'm 52 years old. - Submitted by: RG Davis
My baby other
My baby All Gone
The Story: My niece was heard singing 'My baby other, little baby other...' when her mother was trying to get her to eat. I think about the creature in 'The Others' which Nicole Kidman thinks is her daughter - as parodied in 'Scary Movie 3'! - Submitted by: pickle*
Pizza! Pizza! Pepperoni pizza!
Cheeser! Cheeser! Pepperoni Cheeser!
The Story: It makes sense, since they have been using their "Pizza! Pizza!" slogan for two decades as of now. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Look for the union ladies
When you are buying a coquettish blouse.
Look for the Union Label
When you are buying a coat, dress or blouse.
The Story: I just remember the commercial with the Ladies Garment Worker Union people singing the song like they were at church, praising the Lord. Many of the women were in their mid to late 50's and had those pile on multi-deckered hairdoos. There were seven of eight men who looked so unhappy to be there, but still they belted out the tune with conviction. I always thought they were the funniest thing, because in my mind, they were so clearly not union ladies. I liked the way they made them all march while they sang. Very dramatic. - Submitted by: Klinesy Pat
You get a choice
You get a better choice
When you choose Slumps.
You get a choice
You get a better choice
When you choose Lums.
The Story: I used to think they were saying Slumps and I said Slumps, but then my mother turned stepmother (obviously not my stepmother anymore) said it wasn't Slumps; it was Lums. When I heard her say Lums, it reminded me of me, my (apparently) ex-stepmother and my daddy (who is dead now) eating at Lums and Daddy slouching at the table because he didn't feel well. lol - Submitted by: Danelle
You'll be happy, you'll be Brad
You'll be happy, you'll be glad
The Story: Whatever that was, it's in honor of the hate-able Liberty Mutual commercial in which someone names their car Brad. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Martin and Rossi
Imported the moon on the rocks.
Martini and Rossi
Imported vermouth on the rocks.
The Story: Back in the days when this commercial aired, I thought the jingle was referring to a couple having a romantic night by moonlight while drinking Martini and Rossi. The moonlight reflected through a window and bounced onto the ice in the glasses being used by the couple drinking it, which could be described as 'importing the moon on the rocks'. However, when a newer version of a commercial for this product was made, the singer's annunciated the worth 'vermouth' more clearly. That's when I discovered I originally got the words wrong. - Submitted by: Sharon 'parodiva' Krebs
But only a limited number of kids are in stock
But only a limited number of kits are in stock
The Story: I thought he said "kids", which made me weird as to what that had to do with anti-aging. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Hi! I'm Dr. Jason Butthole.
Hi! I'm Dr. Jason Buchwald.
The Story: A year ago, when me and my mom were watching TV, my mom always thought he said the word "butthole" and we all laughed out loud. - Submitted by: Hunter Sullivan
You said the keyword
You said the P word
The Story: The P word referring to what Max hated to hear or say - Pepsi, of course. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Noodleroni Parmesano, a vittle of Italy.
Noodle Roni Parmesano,
A bit of old Italy.
The Story: The Western Gunsmoke was popular on TV at the time, and the character Festus was always talking about “vittles.” - Submitted by: Richard
When you're here, you're friendly
When you're here, you're family
The Story: I wondered if that had to do with a chain of restaurants and ice cream shops called Friendly's. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
A taste that’s why it’s encore!
For taste and more that’s Oncore.
The Story: Catchy TV commercial jingle that’s not annunciated well even the company name sounds like Encore, but on the box it’s Oncor (spelled wrong). - Submitted by: Keith
Bigger ingredients. Bigger pizza.
Better ingredients. Better pizza.
The Story: It kind of sounded like the man himself said something bigger. Truth was, he actually said it that way for a special pizza promoting the King Kong remake (2005), but who'd have thought? - Submitted by: Cody Finke
"Partnership for a Drug-Free America"
This is your brain on trucks
This is your brain on drugs
The Story: Trucks are a LOT better than drugs. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Doesn't it feel good for payments?
Doesn't it feel good to pay less?
The Story: R.I.P. Payless ShoeSource (1956-2019) - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, busted stomach, diarrhea
Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea
The Story: Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea
- Submitted by: MLR
Nachos,tacos, empanadas, jalapeños Buritos!
Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stumach , diarrhea
The Story: Heard it on the radio my parents began to argue on what the lyrics where but we ended up coming up with this that we heard - Submitted by: Andrew
Go to Philip Morris!
Call for Philip Morris!
The Story: I was hearing that famous tagline when I watched the I Love Lucy episode "Lucy Does a TV Commercial", which they edited out when they banned tobacco advertising in 1971. They kept it unedited on the DVD and in the subsequent colorized episode in 2015, when she appeared in the broken TV set acting The Lucy Ricardo Show. Philip Morris was a sponsor of I Love Lucy, which the "Call for Philip Morris" ads were featured. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Kick your ass
Shake your ass
Kick your antacid
The Story: I thought he either said "kick your ass" or "shake your ass". - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Cash some Raisinets
Catch some Raisinets
The Story: Sounded like it became a paycheck. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
To blave say it all
Two names say it all.
The Story: I couldn't for the life of me figure out what they were singing. I'd replay it over and over. I'm bedridden at times so these things weigh on my mind. Finally Billy Crystal's line from the princess Bride started to stick. The more recent commercial have cleared it up for me. Go figure. Why would they sing that they were bluffing to sell furniture. It just didn't make sense. - Submitted by: Cynthia Russell Balaber
toolay toosay it all (gibberish, like fa la la lah)
Two names say it all.
The Story: I've been trying to figure this out for YEARS. - Submitted by: eleyko
Have you tried the new Rice-a-Roni Rice Peel-Off
Rice Peel-Off? It's Urban Butter
Have you tried the new Rice-a-Roni Rice Pilaf
Rice Pilaf? It's Herb 'n' Butter
The Story: I saw this ad a long time ago and I was like "Urban Butter"? That doesn't sound too good. - Submitted by: Odie Garfield
Nobody does it like Sara Lee.
Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee.
The Story: I totally thought my way was right for the majority of my life, and most people I know agreed with me. I refused to believe I was wrong until they started printing the slogan at the end of the commercials. My way still makes more sense. Who wrote a slogan with a double negative? - Submitted by: The Dormouse
Wake up all cheaters
Wake up, achievers
The Story: It sounded like she said “wake up all cheaters” - Submitted by: Cody Finke
The convenient stores of Speedway
The convenience stores of Speedway
The Story: My husband works for Speedway and is quick to anyone who calls one of their stores a "gas station" instead of a convenience store. Naturally, I take every opportunity possible to call them gas stations. We have playfully argued about the true lyrics to the jingle for weeks. I finally googled it and realized I was wrong. My husband even admitted that he didn't know the real words, making the loss even more bitter. - Submitted by: Regina Phalange
Bronchial by...
Brought to you by...
The Story: Used to hear "bronchial by" at first when I was little. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Sponsored by...
Because your next day starts with breakfast
Sponsored by...
Because your best days start with breakfast
The Story: I remember hearing this jingle when I was 5 years old. For a long time I thought they were saying "Because your next day starts with breakfast" until I found the jingle in a video for In the News on YouTube. I was surprised to find that jingle, and now I know they're really saying "Because your best days start with breakfast." - Submitted by: Isac
Somebody burned down my shoe shed
Somebody burned down my she shed
The Story: It sounded at first like "shoe shed". Who ever heard of "she shed"? That's why there is such a thing as Commercials I Hate! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
If you're clothes catch on fire
Stop, rock 'n' roll.
If you're clothes catch on fire
Stop, drop, and roll.
The Story: This was a song about fire safety played on a TV commercial about fire safety when I was a child. Iit had a very catchy and bluesy feel to it, and the sound quality was poor to my ears. So I thought that I was hearing 'rock' instead of 'drop'. Until one day when my local fire department at the time came to my school to teach me and my classmates about fire safety. Hence, I finally heard the word clearly and now know what to do when my clothes burn up. - Submitted by: Kyle
Sugar Teen
Sugar Tween
Sugar Twin
The Story: Every time I hear the invincibility music in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (the music that plays when Yoshi touches Starman), I say both sets of misheard lyrics followed by the original lyrics in sync with the music, and it sounds great, not to mention a little funny. - Submitted by: Isac
Pick up a package two of Tennessee Pride.
Take home ya' a package of Tennessee Pride.
The Story: I'm having a debate with a friend of mine for months now! He said it's" Pick up a."pound or two" of Tenessee Pride; I thought it was"Pick up a "package two" of Tennesse Pride. Help! Who's right? - Submitted by: V. LaShawn
They call the package the Tennessee pride
Take home ya' a package of Tennessee Pride.
The Story: I am correct - Submitted by: Blue Bagwell
"The Arbor Day Foundation: Trees Are Terrific!"
Carnie's Arbor Day Foundation spreads the worm across the nation about trees
Carly's Arbor Day Foundation spreads the word across the nation about trees
The Story: Carnie refers to Carnie Wilson, while Carly refers to the animated mascot, Carly Cardinal. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Here's to good friends, tonight is kinda special
The beer that we hold
Must mean something more somehow.
So tonight, tonight let it be Lowenbrau
Here's to good friends, tonight is kinda special
The beer we'll pour
Must say something more somehow
So tonight, tonight, let it be Lowenbrau.
The Story: Its hard to hear the lyrics over all of the dialogue required to set up the story of the spot. - Submitted by: Kevin
I don't wanna go out
I don't wanna grow up
The Story: R.I.P. Toys R Us (1948-2018) after 70 years. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Welcome to our band
Sorry 'bout your gran
It's all so clear it's better here
Troli Troli Troli
Welcome to our land
Sorry 'bout your hand
It's better here, it's fun in here
Trolli, Trolli, Trolli
The Story: I saw the commercial on tv - Submitted by: Joe
Welcome to our lamb
Sorry 'bout your ham
We're all in gear, it's fun in here
Trolli, Trolli, Trolli
Welcome to our land
Sorry 'bout your hand
It's better here, it's fun in here
Trolli, Trolli, Trolli
The Story: Perhaps the creepiest animated ad ever. - Submitted by: Opie M.
It's like yogurt for your tastebuds
It's like yoga for your tastebuds
The Story: It was when I saw the commercial, I thought I heard "yogurt" but they were meditating, so it was "yoga". I guess it was puny. Not like some heard "If you're not into yogurt" instead of "If you're not into yoga" in the song "Escape" by Rupert Holmes. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Brer side effects
Rare side effects
The Story: It sounded at first she said "Brer", as in Brer Rabbit. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Lion Cum
The Story: um... eww? - Submitted by: Well_I'll_Be_Frank
The Story: Sounded like "Disney" when I saw this ad online. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Weight Watchers
This is livid
Weight Watchers
This is living
The Story: Spoken by Lynn Redgrave - she even had a novel in 1991 with the slogan as its title - Submitted by: Cody Finke
"White Diamonds by Elizabeth Taylor"
These always brought me love
These always brought me luck
The Story: That old 90s commercial, hard to believe it's still on today, even after Elizabeth Taylor's death in 2011... - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Robert Cream Oil, Charlie
(Use) Wildroot Cream Oil, Charlie!
The Story: I was a kid when I heard this jingle on tv and radio commercials, and I wondered why two names appeared that way in one line. It was years before I realized my mistake. - Submitted by: Doug Montgomery
Winston tastes good like a cigarette shoe
Winston tastes good like a cigarette should
The Story: I never heard of "cigarette shoe", but then again, it sounds funny. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
There are more Commercial misheard lyrics available.
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.