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Fun Music Information -> Sylvain Sylvain / Glen Matlock

This is the most recent information about Sylvain Sylvain / Glen Matlock that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Sylvain Sylvain / Glen Matlock, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).



* THIS IS A TRUE TO LIFE ACTUAL HAPPENING * Sylvain Sylvain is a veteran of the protopunk band New York Dolls. Glen Matlock is from the Sex Pistols. These 2 performers played their old bands' chestnuts and their solo music in their own solo acoustic guitar sets. For the encore they played more Dolls, Pistols, solo and glam rock hits together. They played this tour in small clubs and cafes. It was billed as "Punk Goes Acoustic" and the tour was billed as the "Sex Doll" Tour 2014. Honest! Get the drift?
Submitted by: Planet Jet Boy

Lighter Side of Serious Bands:

"Sex Doll Tour"
Sylvain Sylvain is a veteran of the protopunk band New York Dolls. Glen Matlock is from the Sex Pistols. These 2 performers played their old bands' chestnuts and their solo music in their own solo acoustic guitar sets. For the encore they played more Dolls, Pistols, solo and glam rock hits together. They played this tour in small clubs and cafes. It was billed as "Punk Goes Acoustic" and the tour was billed as the "Sex Doll" Tour 2014. Get the drift?
Submitted by: Planet Jet Boy

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